COVID-19 Community Engagement

Chicago COVID Contact Tracing Corps Heading link
The UIC School of Public Health is one of the collaborating partners leading the City of Chicago’s COVID Contact Tracing Corps, a key step in the COVID-19 pandemic to address and slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Led by the Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership, the Corps develops a health-equity based approach to further contain the spread of COVID-19, with efforts based out of communities most impacted by the pandemic.
Contact tracing corps goals Heading link
Infectious disease prevention
Prevent and mitigate community transmission of COVID-19.
Career growth
Provide “Earn-as-You-Learn” opportunities for community-based workforce to promote career pathways and long-term sustainable growth.
Economic recovery
Invest in community areas experiencing economic hardship to promote economic recovery by giving our residents the opportunity to invest in themselves and their own skills for a long-term career in health care.
Role of the PHAME Center Heading link
The PHAME Center is partnering with the Contact Tracing Corps to provide knowledge and expertise on population health and health analytics, particularly for contact tracers new to public health. Center researchers will be providing presentations and workshops introduction the concepts of population health, along with building equity-focused approaches to using health data.